Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Please see below for answers to some common questions. If you can't see the answer you're looking for below, please get in touch.
A crucial question.
Yoodli developed the AI software that powers Thirty Seven, and it is meticulous about ensuring data security. You can find more about its privacy policy here.
In short, the roleplay conversations you have with Thirty Seven belong to you.
Only you can access them unless you share them with another user.
And we never sell your data or share it with third parties.
Your data is stored on secure Google servers, and you can ask to have it deleted at any time.
You can learn more about data security on this page
You can.
You can use Thirty Seven with all major video conferencing platforms, including Zoom, Google Hangouts, Microsoft Teams and Webex.
It comes in two modes: Team and Private.
Team mode is recommended for coaches and teams – Thirty Seven joins your call as a participant and provides analytics for every speaker.
In private mode, Thirty Seven only records you so you don’t need to tell anyone that you’re using an AI-powered coach.
Clever, isn’t it?
The simple answer is it has learnt – and been taught to recognise in conversation - the methodology used by Media First and The BCF Group.
That’s methodology the companies have fine-tuned over nearly seven decades.
So, not only does it know how to respond to what you say, it understands how to help you get better and build your knowledge and confidence.
With an Enterprise Subscription, we can create bespoke scenarios, upload your corporate messaging documents and much more.
For example, perhaps you are a restaurant chain and want to help your servers deliver the best possible customer service. We can create a scenario for that to allow your team to practice realistic workplace scenarios.
Get in touch today to book a demo with us.
We are passionate about face-to-face coaching and training.
It lies at the heart of The BCF Group and Media First.
And Thirty Seven is at its best when it supports the training those companies provide.
You can find out more about The BCF Group’s training and coaching options here and about Media First’s courses here.
Check out our Press and Media page for full contact details and more information.